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Schlaf gut, kleiner Wolf – おおかみくんも...
790円 Herzerwärmende Gutenachtgeschichte für Kinder ab zwei Jahren. Bilinguale Ausgabe (Deutsch und Japanisch), mit online-Hörbüchern und Videos in Deutsch und in Japanisch, Ausmalvorlagen zum Ausdrucken sowie didaktischem Hilfsmaterial für Japanisch-Lernende. Tim kann nicht einschlafen. Sein kleiner W...
Rezension zu: Schönbach, Klaus - Zeitunge...
67円 Rezension / Literaturbericht aus dem Jahr 1999 im Fachbereich Medien / Kommunikation - Printmedien, Presse, Note: 1,3, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (Institut für Kommunikationswissenschaft), 0 Quellen im Literaturverzeichnis, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Klaus Schönbach wurde vom Bundesv...
Easy Learning Spanish Complete Grammar, V...
1,580円 A handy 3-in-1 Spanish study book: grammar, verbs and vocabulary in one volume, ideal for beginners who need a clear and easy-to-understand Spanish reference and revision guide. This book gives you the essential tools to help you progress quickly in your study of Spanish. The grammar, verb and vo...
Easy Learning French Complete Grammar, Ve...
1,496円 A handy 3-in-1 French study book: grammar, verbs and vocabulary in one volume, ideal for beginners who need a clear and easy-to-understand French reference and revision guide. This book gives you the essential tools to help you progress quickly in your study of French. The grammar, verb and vocab...
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Drinking Japan
2,665円 Drinking Japan the first practical Japan travel guide in English, to depict Japan's bars and alcoholic beverages. Author Chris Bunting goes to tremendous lengths to present Japan's best bars and alcoholic drinks. You will be prepared for your trip with detailed profiles of Japans finest sake, sho...
More Making Out in Japanese
849円 More Making Out in Japanese is a fun, accessible and thorough guide to the Japanese language as it's really spoken. This phrasebook follows the bestselling Making Out in Japanese providing additional (and classic) phrases for travelers, including ones to help you make acquaintances, discuss likes...
SIELE, preparación para el examen.
377円 "SIELE, preparación para el examen" es un libro de apoyo para todos aquellos estudiantes que desean presentarse a la prueba de lengua española SIELE. El libro contiene multitud de ejercicios desde el nivel A1 hasta el nivel C1, modelos de exámenes, gramática y recomendaciones. Es una herramienta ...
Donny’S Unauthorized Technical Guide to H...
1,144円 Donny Petersen, who studied privately with Harley-Davidson engineers, shares practical knowledge and street-wise tips in the fifth volume of his unauthorized guide on the best motorcycle maker in the world. Written in straightforward language, this guide can help even a motorcycle novice to becom...
An Inspector Calls by J. B. Priestley (Bo...
1,050円 Unlock the more straightforward side of An Inspector Calls with this concise and insightful summary and analysis! This engaging summary presents an analysis of An Inspector Calls by J. B. Priestley, in which the enigmatic Inspector Goole arrives at the Birling household to question each member of...
工芸バイリンガルガイド〜Bilingual Guide t...
1,386円 英語と写真で紹介する日本の名品100。 世界に誇る“メイド イン ジャパン”の工芸品約100点を、1頁1点ずつオールカラーで紹介し、日本語、英語でわかりやすく解説。気軽な土産品から芸術品まで、眺めて楽しみながら理解が深まる、いままでなかったビジュアル ハンドブック。 第一章「遊の工芸」(人形、千代紙など)、...
1,781円 本書第一版1999年出版後,即獲得新聞局金鼎獎的推薦,2014年隆重推出第三版,將台灣鐵路運輸全貌作最完整的歸納整理,包含高鐵、捷運、台鐵的全新列車,及蒸汽火車的修復資訊完整收錄! 喜愛火車驖道的朋友有福了!最受讀者歡迎與期待的《台灣鐵路火車百科》第三版正式推出!最新紀錄普悠瑪號加入台灣鐵路的營運之列,台...