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Wails of the Bound
1,210円 A man that normally would be discriminated against reigns as an elite… Takaba is an office worker who finds a job in a first-class company, in search of a new beginning. However, as soon as he joins, he learns the secret of his direct boss Karasuma: he has a predisposition to seduce people and st...
Your Treacle Affects At Night
794円 After meeting each other at a gay bar, a drunken Minami confesses his feelings to his co-worker Kijima, and they start dating. Unlike Kijima, who is used to being happily in love, Minami is traumatized by his past relationships. Minami inevitably compares himself to Kijima's former lovers and fee...
794円 Shinichi has been going to his uncle Chiharu's house since he was a child to play his favorite game of chess, but one day he realizes another feeling deep in his heart. He challenges Chiharu to a game of chess just to tell him how he feels, but... This BL is extreme! Toomi Aoyama, who was select...
The Tenth Prism 1
607円 "In a distant time, a small country - the "Land of Bones" - discovers a strange technology, and plunges the world into fear and despair." Since the dawn of time, the Kingdom of Karan - loved by its inhabitants and neighbors alike - has existed in peace and in harmony with nature. But now, the kin...
The Tenth Prism Full color 1
825円 "In a distant time, a small country - the "Land of Bones" - discovers a strange technology, and plunges the world into fear and despair." Since the dawn of time, the Kingdom of Karan - loved by its inhabitants and neighbors alike - has existed in peace and in harmony with nature. But now, the kin...
刺殺騎士團長 套書
2,630円 在現實與非現實間穿梭 於意念和隱喻中尋找自我 自1Q84後睽違七年 村上春樹最新本格長篇小說鉅作 五個角度看《刺殺騎士團長》 王村煌談《刺殺騎士團長》 安哲談《刺殺騎士團長》 焦元溥談《刺殺騎士團長》 從那年五月到第二年年初,我住在那狹小山谷入口附近的山上。 夏天山谷深處一直下著雨,但山谷外側卻大多晴天……那原...
A Story of Love That I Do Not Know
794円 Arima loves Saeki, his wholesome and earnest lover with an enticing pheromone, but Saeki's ex is Arima's neighbor Tanaka. Saeki convinced Arima to dump Tanaka and date him instead. Meanwhile, Saeki still bears scars from the BDSM activities his ex-lover forced on him, and he feels uneasy every ti...
Mistérios da Escrita Uma Aproximação à ...
133円 Realizado no âmbito da celebração dos 30 anos de vida literária do escritor Álvaro Magalhães, o presente volume reúne um conjunto de estudos breves sobre diferentes faces da sua produção dedicada preferencial, mas não exclusivamente, ao público infantojuvenil. A poesia e as interrogações que ela ...
Debaixo de Algum Céu - 1º Capítulo
133円 Num prédio encostado à praia, homens, mulheres e crianças - vizinhos que se cruzam mas se desconhecem - andam à procura do que lhes falta: um pouco de paz, de música, de calor, de um deus que lhes sirva. Todas as janelas estão viradas para dentro e até o vento parece soprar em quem lá vive. Há um...
Electric Train Hero
6円 Ananthasairam Rangarajan was born in 1946 in a family of agriculturists and had teaching degrees in Education from University of Madras. He holds a Post Graduate Diploma in the teaching of English from Central Institute of English and Foreign Languages, Hyderabad. His career as a teacher in vario...
Naughty Addictions
1円 Lexi Porter has been sleeping her way through eligible bachelor's but, there is one bachelor she isn't willing to give up. Tripp Conway is all Lexi can think about at least until Dylan Cavanaugh shows up. Lexi learns that Tripp isn't committed and turns to Dylan for support only to find more comp...
1,333円 一本作品集 是發想力、編輯力與執行力的紙上展演 更是決定職業生涯的關鍵 前日本奧美創意總監飯田佳樹 集結30年業界經歷 從製作者與錄用者角度同步剖析 38個要點一次掌握概念、編輯、閱讀節奏到面試技巧的設計訣竅 *請留意PORTFOLIO IDEA NOTE創意筆記本為實體書限定贈品,電子書並未附贈* 片岡朗(日本知名字型設計師)...