Children, Families and Schools
8,006円 Effective communication between the home and school is crucial for any child's education, but where special needs are concerned, creating good partnerships is essential. This book is concerned with home-school relations from an 'inclusive' perspective. Throughout, it highlights issues that are co...
Vzgoja družbe
0円 Vzgoja in izobraževanje ali z eno besedo edukacija sta sestavini družbe v najširšem pomenu besede. Kot v knjigi večkrat opozorimo, gre za tisto sestavino, ki je ključna za reprodukcijo družbe. Na konceptualni ravni (za to raven pa nam v tem besedilu pretežno gre) velja, da je edukacija (vzgoja in...
Educating Our Black Children
6,670円 Exclusion and miseducation of black children is endemic in the US and UK. This book takes a long, hard look at the two countries and uncovers what they can learn from each other in their approaches to tackling this problem. The material in the book is the result of extensive work with educators, ...
School Refusal: Children Who Can't or Won...
890円 “Every morning it is the same story. Tyree refuses to get out of bed, starts complaining about not feeling well, finds every excuse not to get ready for school, and insists on staying home with me. During the entire ride to school, he complains about his teacher, his classmates, and his school. A...
What Next After School?  : All You Need t...
2,132円 What Next After School? is now firmly established as the book for students who are weighing up the options available to them. For anyone needing help and ideas in making key decisions about their future, this essential book offers a wealth of practical, up-to-date information on all the issues th...
The Adjunct Faculty Handbook
7,547円 Praise for the First Edition *"The book is very comprehensive. It gives plenty of practical examples and also refers to teaching and learning theory."ー*Martin Lightfoot in Management & Education "This Handbook contains advice and approaches for teaching practices that both new and seasoned facul...
Adolescent Neglect
3,511円 Adolescent neglect is a significant problem within child protection, but focus on child neglect and other forms of maltreatment means that it can often be overlooked. This book outlines how adolescent neglect differs from child neglect, the context of why it is overlooked, how it is defined, the ...
Letters to a Young Teacher
1,747円 “This remarkable book is a testament to teachers who not only respect and advocate for children on a daily basis but who are the necessary guardians of the spirit. Every citizen who cares about the future of our children ought to read this.”ーEric Carle, author of The Very Hungry Caterpillar and ...
So you want to go to Medical School?
1,319円 There are tons of books out there telling you how to improve your chances of getting into medical school. All of these tomes are based on the assumption that the prospect reader wants to become a medical doctor. The author of this eBook believes that in this day and age the question should be not...
Counselling Pupils in Schools
6,670円 How can teachers support children with emotional or social difficulties? Counselling Pupils in Schools is a comprehensive guide to the effective use of counselling in schools. It provides practical guidance for teachers and those responsible for pastoral care on how to develop counselling skills ...
Visible Learning for Teachers
6,003円 In November 2008, John Hattie’s ground-breaking book Visible Learning synthesised the results of more than fifteen years research involving millions of students and represented the biggest ever collection of evidence-based research into what actually works in schools to improve learning. Visible ...
The School Leader’s Guide to Restorative ...
4,455円 A positive model for restorative discipline If you would like a more effective way to deal with discipline issues than "old school" punishment, this book is for you. The authors provide a research-based and field-tested model that gives school leaders more productive alternatives to reprimands, e...