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7円 Partant du constat d’échec socio-économique depuis plus de 30 ans, l’auteur propose trois nouveaux concepts réalistes et pragmatiques pour contribuer à la relance de la compétitivité, de la croissance, de l’emploi, du logement et réduire radicalement le déficit public abyssal et la dette souverai...
Bombs Away, Pussycat! A disheveled guide ...
0円 This is a brief guide, based solely on my own experiences, to what it’s like the first couple of years as a freelance writer. I don’t pretend that my life is in any way representative, but I wanted to share some of what has and hasn’t worked for me. I hope you’ll be entertained, and maybe pick up...
Gestão do produto e do processo: uma abor...
0円 Este livro discute produto e processos produtivos a partir de uma abordagem que se propõe a conciliar os objetivos mercadológicos com as restrições da operação produtiva, oferecendo a profissionais de marketing e de produção uma oportunidade para a reflexão sobre a necessidade de análise conjunta...
Navigating the Fiscal Challenges Ahead
0円 With increasing fiscal challenges in the aftermath of the global financial crisis, multilateral surveillance of fiscal developments, a key part of the IMF's surveillance responsibilities, has gained further importance. In response, the Fiscal Monitor was launched in 2009 to survey and analyze the...
Proposal for Obama
550円 In January 20 2009, the day of inauguration of the United States President Obama, 4 months later from Lehman Shock, one Japanese economic sultant sent him the important letter with specific proposal to solve the American economy. The copies were also sent to Benjamin Bernanke, governor of FRB and...
Free and Clear: Master Your Money and Esc...
674円 "This is great. Straightforward, concise, simple, practical advice for anyone struggling with never having enough and trying to make ends meet from someone who has been there and done that." Doug G How to manage personal finances, pay off debt and avoid future indebtedness. Topics include finding...
Building Credit After A Divorce
0円 When people marry they look forward to many years of emotional togetherness. Most married couples blend their financial lives, as well. When couples divorce, the emotional togetherness is broken. But the financial ties are often not as easily broken. In fact, the financial impacts of divorce can ...
The Asset Allocation Guide to Wealth Crea...
0円 Understanding Asset Allocation An investment asset is something of value that can help you achieve your financial goal. When you allocate investments across assets, you are seeking their best performance. In a way, asset allocation is like a well-balanced meal, which provides for the right dose o...
Arts to the Rescue Advice for Parents on ...
0円 Arts to the Rescue is a compilation of practical recommendations on choosing arts and creativity lessons. Addressed to parents, every article is written by a specialist and professional in their field. This book will guide you on how to make a more effective investment of time and money into prop...
0円 みなさんは「カフェ会」という名前を聞いたことがあるでしょうか? この本は、あなたの人生を望む方向に変えるために「カフェ会」を主催してほしい、という想いを込めた「カフェ会」活用本です。カフェ会だからこそ生まれる「出会い」「人脈構築」「ビジネスチャンス」など、あなたの人生が劇的に変わるヒントを詰め込み...
How To Start A $1 (One Dollar) Jewelry St...
1,320円 Starting and operating your own business is not just the American dream, it is the pathway to wealth. And a business plan is critical to forming the right strategy and taking the steps needed to ensure success. THIS IS NOT A BASIC TEMPLATE. This book, unlike so many others, has actually done most...