Gestão do produto e do processo: uma abor...
0円 Este livro discute produto e processos produtivos a partir de uma abordagem que se propõe a conciliar os objetivos mercadológicos com as restrições da operação produtiva, oferecendo a profissionais de marketing e de produção uma oportunidade para a reflexão sobre a necessidade de análise conjunta...
Cloud Accounting - From Spreadsheet Miser...
1,334円 "...The mounting number of angry calls signaled James and his employees were starting to lose control of the business. Their QuickBooks accounting software and practice of using spreadsheets to manage projects and costs was buckling under the strain of an increased client load. If the problems co...
Planning Production and Inventories in th...
13,369円 In two volumes, Planning Production and Inventories in the Extended Enterprise: A State of the Art Handbook examines production planning across the extended enterprise against a backdrop of important gaps between theory and practice. The early chapters describe the multifaceted nature of producti...
Nonclinical Study Contracting and Monitoring
8,892円 Nonclinical Study Contracting and Monitoring: A Practical Guide offers a systematic and straightforward handbook for obtaining high quality preclinical Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) studies. This book is full of real-world examples, processes, procedures, useful templates, checklists and sample ...
Thinking Through Systems Thinking
9,613円 Systemicity is receiving wider attention thanks to its evident paradox. On the one hand, it occurs as a problem with complex symptoms. On the other, it is sought after as an approach for dealing with the non-linear reality of the world. At once problem and prize, systemicity continues to confound...
Managing and Delivering Performance
7,877円 Performance management is at the top of agendas in most government and public organizations, as well as many not-for-profit organizations. In this follow up to his successful book, Strategic Performance Management, the author focuses on the unique challenges public sector organizations face when ...
IT Investment: Making a Business Case
11,349円 Frequently not enough attention is given to producing a comprehensive business case or to producing an economic justification for an information systems investment. In fact many organizations are not clear as to what constitutes a sound business case and how to go about producing one. This Profes...
Lean Principles with Practice
359円 The purpose of this short book is to introduce the reader to some of the key concepts that underpin Lean; making businesses faster and more competitive by understanding and eliminating the sources of waste in processes. It is not intended as an exhaustive text on the subject, more as a summary wi...
Building International Construction Allia...
8,278円 Building International Construction Alliances is the first book to address the challenges of international cooperation between medium-sized construction firms. By presenting a case study of the historical evolution of Fratelli Dioguardi S.p.A. and Beacon Construction Company, and representative p...
Project Management
8,252円 Management Extra brings all the best management thinking together in one package. The series fuses key ideas with applied activities to help managers examine and improve how they work in practice. Management Extra is an exciting, new approach to management development. The books provide the basis...
Mastering e-Business
11,081円 e-Business – business collaborations enabled through information and communication technologies – is an essential activity for any business organization and constitutes a significant and growing sector. This textbook presents an innovative teaching framework to help students gain a thorough under...
The Communications Company audit
132円 This guide provides the steps to help you to rapidly find the Cash buried in your business. Cost cutting can be a bit like liposuction, providing an unsustainable quick fix, unless you make the required life style changes the problem will quickly comes back. This guide helps you work through a pr...