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The Final Countdown: A historic opportuni...
1円 Across the world 2,000 people die each day from armed violence. Crucial negotiations for an arms trade treaty are taking place at the United Nations throughout July 2012. Oxfam's eBook 'The Final Countdown' explores the devastating impact of the arms trade and explains what the new treaty must co...
What's New in Windows 8.1 For Dummies
1円 What's New in Windows 8.1 For Dummies Pocket Edition provides a brief, inexpensive, and focused guide for Windows 8 users upgrading to 8.1. Chapters include: It's all about you: An exploration of the customization features, from flexible sizing on icons to shared wallpaper to boot options. We ca...
The Doctor
1円 The sixth book in the Free Nightmares series. Find yourself the victim of an evil medical scientist. A scientist with otherworldly intentions...
Liderança acima da média
10円 Esta obra verdadeira, prática, rica em base e princípios bíblicos, edificante do início ao fim. Você será muito enriquecido com a leitura deste livro, à medida em que entender que o chamado da vida cristã envolve liderar a partir da sua própria realidade, seja ela qual for. Independentemente se o...
1,674円 夏日微風青草的味道,捕蟬奔跑的單純快樂,純欲擔當林襄最新代表作,女生也被迷倒的透明清新,最美園丁花園澆花,薄紗濕潤微貼肌膚的俏皮可愛,就要給襄民最多的福利。 若隱若現淋浴泡湯,柔暈一抹極致性感,首本寫真書上市兩月狂刷五刷爆賣,馬上追擊!第二本實體寫真上市不到30分鐘直接再版! 獨家電子寫真版新増95張...
Rogues, Rakes & Jewels
3円 The Marquis of Lyndhurst is tired of women who are more attracted to his title and money than to his charms. So when his mother requests that he go to the Isle of Wight to court another eligible woman, Ryker decides on a little game … his cousin Robby will pose as him, and he will pose as his cou...
960円 This groundbreaking classic is now available in a special anniversary edition with bonus content. Winner of the Newbery Medal as well as the National Book Award, HOLES is a New York Times bestseller and one of the strongest-selling middle-grade books to ever hit shelves! Stanley Yelnats is under ...
And the Humans Wrote
2円 This novel interprets Biblical history through the lens of an alien species and their complex relationship with the human race. These aliens have been involved in human history since Adam and Eve, and throughout Biblical history, humanity has responded to these aliens in many ways -- the most sig...
An Angel in the Shadows
2円 A year after spending six months in the Amazon Jungle while returning Belle to the Sky People, Professor Maria Espinoza now teaches DNA Profiling at a university in Brazil. Compared to past adventures, seeing and experiencing what few people on this planet can even imagine, she finds her class bo...
7円 Partant du constat d’échec socio-économique depuis plus de 30 ans, l’auteur propose trois nouveaux concepts réalistes et pragmatiques pour contribuer à la relance de la compétitivité, de la croissance, de l’emploi, du logement et réduire radicalement le déficit public abyssal et la dette souverai...
Vocal Exercises
1,841円 (Pro Vocal). Vocal strength is essential to producing a good sound, singing with control and confidence, and singing for many years. A weak voice is one that tires easily, one that is inconsistent in sound quality and/or pitch and dynamics, and one that gives out many years before the singer is r...
Grandma's Shojin Ryori
1,320円 Shojin cooking is a meal that has been passed down by Japanese monks. It mainly uses vegetables and grains and does not use meat, seafood, gokun (five acrid or strong smelling vegetables, including onion, scallion, chives and garlic) nor alcohol. The spirit of Shojin cooking lies in the Zen mind ...