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Fly to the Ocean
0円 토종 중학생 조은비(글로리아, 재현중 3) 양이 미리 가본 여수 EXPO를 주제로 영어 홍보 책자를 완성했다. 여수엑스포 마스코트 Yeony와 Suny를 등장시켜 대화체로 설명한 방식이 눈에 띈다. 여수의 가볼 만한 여행지와 특산물도 직접 소개하였다. 중학생 저자의 작은 도전은 아름답다.
Toyooka(Kinosaki/Izushi) (traditional Chi...
0円 It is a general guidebook of toyooka. Toyooka City, a city located to the northwest of Kyoto. Kinosaki Onsen, famous for its 7 public hot springs and a tradition of yukata. Izushi, an historic town with a 300 year old castle. Encounter the scenery and culture of the Japan you have imagined.
1001+ 基本的なフレーズ 日本語-スワヒリ語
399円 「1001+ 基本的なフレーズ 日本語-スワヒリ語」は、スワヒリ語の基本的なフレーズ1,000以上を スワヒリ語 に翻訳したものの一覧です。 フレーズは数、色、時間、日、身体、あいさつ、天気、買い物、健康、非常時、レストラン等のセクションに分類されています。
1001+ 基本的なフレーズ 日本語-エスペラント
399円 「1001+ 基本的なフレーズ 日本語-エスペラント」は、エスペラントの基本的なフレーズ1,000以上を エスペラント に翻訳したものの一覧です。 フレーズは数、色、時間、日、身体、あいさつ、天気、買い物、健康、非常時、レストラン等のセクションに分類されています。
Honolulu (Oahu, Hawaii) Travel Guide - Si...
477円 Honolulu on the island of Oahu is the capital of Hawaii. It is the center of Hawaiian government and business and has a population of one million people. Hawaii's famous Waikiki Beach is located in Honolulu and most visitors to Hawaii fly first to Honolulu. The city is fast-paced also enjoys aspe...
Ultimate Handbook Guide to Poznan : (Pola...
616円 The Ultimate Handbook Guide to Poznan : (Poland) is your second passport to everything interesting and relevant. It provides you with up-to-date advice on what to see and what hidden discoveries await you.
Drinking Japan
2,665円 Drinking Japan the first practical Japan travel guide in English, to depict Japan's bars and alcoholic beverages. Author Chris Bunting goes to tremendous lengths to present Japan's best bars and alcoholic drinks. You will be prepared for your trip with detailed profiles of Japans finest sake, sho...
More Making Out in Japanese
849円 More Making Out in Japanese is a fun, accessible and thorough guide to the Japanese language as it's really spoken. This phrasebook follows the bestselling Making Out in Japanese providing additional (and classic) phrases for travelers, including ones to help you make acquaintances, discuss likes...
Japanese Inns and Hot Springs
1,811円 "Japanese Inns and Hot Springs takes readers on a trip around Japan, stopping at 40 of the country's best ryokan. Aiming to make your stay as pleasurable as possible, the book offers tips on travel, easy-to-follow advice on booking a stay, and a helpful etiquette guide geared toward English speak...
Christianity in China
1,212円 This is a true story. Under a communist philosophy, China labeled religion as an opium and started to go about eliminating it. In the 70 years since then, the number of religious people in China, especially Christians, has increased year after year, contrary to government repression. The number o...
KH STYLE高雄款No.20(2018.04)
0円 春遊高雄完全指南 春暖花開,又到了適合到處漫步遊玩的季節。而依山傍海、有河有港、城鄉兼備的高雄,存在豐富而多樣的賞遊之徑,讓人們可以用不同角度,認識這座特別的城市。 無論河流或海港,都有船可搭可玩,是港都最大的特色。搭愛之船遊愛河,乘坐文化遊艇認識高雄港……絕對是獨特而難忘的經驗。高雄也是單車友善城...
0円 介紹巢鴨車站前商店街店家和周邊推薦散步景點的《商店街導覽與散步地圖》推出電子書籍版本了。您可以在散步小憩時來點下午茶甜點、購買伴手禮。或是當您造訪史跡、名勝後肚子餓,好好享受一頓美味的餐點……。這是一本教您如何享受巢鴨的便利旅遊指南。 此外,追溯巢鴨周邊歷史,並介紹相關史跡和名勝的《巢鴨 史蹟散步》...