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Liderança acima da média
10円 Esta obra verdadeira, prática, rica em base e princípios bíblicos, edificante do início ao fim. Você será muito enriquecido com a leitura deste livro, à medida em que entender que o chamado da vida cristã envolve liderar a partir da sua própria realidade, seja ela qual for. Independentemente se o...
Quem sou eu?
5円 Neste livro, o autor toma a história de Moisés, personagem bíblico que se tornou um dos maiores líderes que o mundo já conheceu, mas que, ao ser chamado por Deus, respondeu inicialmente com completa incredulidade, esquivando-se da possibilidade de se tornar um instrumento sobrenatural em suas mão...
Wrestling With Oresteia
0円 A non-fiction piece about the concept of Fate inspired by something said in the novel Kafka on the Shore by Haruki Murakami.
HeavenWord Daily
0円 HeavenWord Daily guides you through the New Testament following a unique reading plan that will make your daily devotions even more interesting and enriching. HeavenWord Daily is not a fluff devotional, but rather a "motivational do-votional," full of insight and inspiration.
Wrestling With Depression
0円 Depression can lead to suicide, and this author presents simple, scriptural steps the reader can follow to pull themselves out of depression. Biblical references are used to present a vital solution to this serious and all-too-common affliction. Jesus said, "The thief (Satan) comes only to steal ...
Az Isteni Szeretet Titka
0円 Ez a világ, minden áldásával, vágyaival, álmaival, illúzióival együtt nem más számunkra, mint próbatétel. Minden tulajdonunk, ingó és ingatlan vagyonunk, de még a gyermekeink is azért adattak nekünk, hogy tőkeként használjuk a Túlvilágra. Ezért mindezt az értékes tőkét úgy kell felhasználnunk, ho...
Willing the Will That Wills?
0円 Free. Color Illustrated. Is the will free, not depending on anything, or fixed, depending on something, such as who one has become? This is not to say that the will is not dynamic, one fixed state being able to progress to another fixed state, via learning.
Once in A Lifetime
0円 A non-fiction piece regarding once in a lifetime experiences.
Contemplation In Islam
0円 In this humble work at hand, we will therefore attempt to focus on the importance of contemplating and sensing, a primary legacy of the Blessed Prophet –upon him blessings and peace-, their benefits and their proper way of actualization.
Jezus. Spotkania
0円 E-book jest zbiorem fragmentów z trzech Ewangelii (Mateusza, Łukasza i Jana) mówiących o spotkaniach Jezusa z różnymi ludźmi, takimi jak: Lewi ー poborca podatków, Szymon ー faryzeusz, kobieta przyłapana na cudzołóstwie, mężczyzna opętany przez demony czy młody człowiek szukający życia wiecznego....
God's Laws: Laws Governing Love of Others
0円 Jesus describes how God’s Laws affect our love for others, what drives us to break these laws, and what happens when we live in harmony or disharmony with these laws. Document source filename: 20090719 Gods Laws - Laws Governing Love Of Others. This ebook is a transcript of a seminar delivered by...
Ancient Truth: Paul's Letters
0円 The Bible is Ancient Truth, but must be read in its own ancient context to be fully understood. Even the people among whom Jesus lived no longer understood their own Hebrew heritage because the leadership had embraced Western intellectual assumptions which were then foreign to Scripture. Where we...