Abuse Activities Adolescence Adoption Aging Alternative Family Anger Baby Names Child Care Child Development Conflict Resolution Death/Grief/Bereavement Divorce Education Eldercare Emotions Family & Relationships Family Relationships Fatherhood Friendship Grandparenting Infants & Toddlers Infertility Interpersonal Relationships Love/Romance Marriage Motherhood Parent & Adult Child Parenting Peer Pressure Prejudice School Age Siblings Special Needs Stepparenting Toilet Training
Once in A Lifetime
0円 A non-fiction piece regarding once in a lifetime experiences.
The Youth Continuum
0円 In this book there is a correlation of evidence gathered from facts about World War II, and from studies on the long-living people in the Himalayan mountains, from research performed by Dr. A.K. Hadjihristev of the District Medical Hospital, Smolian, Bulgaria, and from experiments performed by R....
Building Credit After A Divorce
0円 When people marry they look forward to many years of emotional togetherness. Most married couples blend their financial lives, as well. When couples divorce, the emotional togetherness is broken. But the financial ties are often not as easily broken. In fact, the financial impacts of divorce can ...
You May Kiss The Bride. God's Manual On M...
0円 God's manual for marriage. Because God doesn't want you to fight with your spouse. He loves you. So read and learn. After all, God's people are in bondage because they have no knowledge. Gain the knowledge, and free yourself from the bondage of marital struggles.
The Lost Children: Part 1 of 3
0円 The Lost Children can either be read as a full-length eBook or in 3 serialised eBook-only parts. This is PART 1 of 3 (Chapters 1-4 of 25). You can read Part 1 two weeks ahead of release of the full-length eBook and paperback. First published in 1974 as A Circle of Children this is the first of fo...
Ella's Flight
0円 Ella was my first love - an immeasurably deep love. Too hot the eye of heaven shone, and when we split I thought the pain would never end. I sensed then that I would never again feel that same intensity, that same desperate longing - and so it proved during the nineteen years that followed: the n...
Our Marriage in Saint Peter's Basilica
0円 True love can be found almost anywhere, sometimes nowhere. Most search for it diligently and persistently, many times all their lives without success. But sometimes it falls unexpectedly from Heaven. Such was the case for Phyliss and Joseph in their eighth grade classroom. No, the love was not as...
A Gift for Wilber
0円 Wilber is old. WIlber is bored. And Wilber has a plan to regain control of his life.
The Littlest Angel: For unto this day a c...
0円 The true story of Shanae, a premature baby delivered by caesarian section at 24 weeks gestation and weighing just 775gms. Shanae would begin the fight of her life over the next few months along with her mother Renee, who was also battling her controlling partner Shaun - Shanae's father. Renee had...
1,068円 女性熱搜TOP 1、日本AV 男優傳奇一徹 感情瞬間升溫的性愛溝通術初公開! 3,000 女優實證・從少女到熟女都沉迷難戒 邀約 ╳ 前戲 ╳ 性愛技巧全解析 女孩想遞給閃說「今晚請這樣對我」、 讓男人恍然大悟「原來女生要的是這個」! ★ 獨家收錄:TOP 女優紗倉真菜 超真心對談 ★ 所謂「性」,絕不是單純的動作片…… 他,可以完成...
親愛的馬克瑪麗 Re: 是不是每個男人都這樣?
1,129円 **放送13 年、百萬聽眾推崇 馬克信箱開釋啦! 這一本書希望能幫助你 在愛情的牌桌上知己知彼。** 給老是在愛情中吃虧的你, 不知不覺,參透了些什麼,自然而然,真愛就會靠近。 ◤馬信讀者真實體驗◢ 以前每次聽別人的煩惱,我都會在心裡想說:拜託,幹麼那麼放不下啊?看開一點就好了啊!如果是我,一定怎樣又怎樣……想得...
Hilfe, mein Kind hängt im Netz
1,815円 Die Neuen Medien bieten viele Möglichkeiten und sind aus dem Leben junger Menschen nicht mehr wegzudenken. Martin Kohn zeigt, wie Eltern zu einem selbstbewussten und reflektierten Umgang beitragen können. Damit Kinder und Jugendliche gefahrlos die vielen Vorteile von Internet, Handys und Computer...