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Созвездие Праведных Халифов
0円 В авангарде сплоченных рядов благородных сподвижников, прошедших духовное воспитание Посланника Аллаха (с.a.c), стоят «Четыре праведных Халифа», составивших великое созвездие самых близких сподвижников Пророка (с.a.c).
Book of Mormon
0円 The Book of Mormon is a volume of holy scripture comparable to the Bible. It is a record of God’s dealings with ancient inhabitants of the Americas and contains the fulness of the everlasting gospel. The book was written by many ancient prophets by the spirit of prophecy and revelation. Their wor...
Relationship with God: Faith
0円 Jesus describes how to establish faith in God that is not blind, but is based on real evidence. Document source filename: 20100523 Relationship With God - Faith. This ebook is a transcript of a seminar delivered by Jesus (AJ Miller) on 23rd May 2010 in Buderim, Australia, as part of the Relations...
Principles for the Gathering of Believers...
0円 The Scriptures declare that the Gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come. This preaching and spreading of the Gospel will be done not by the ingenuity of men, but by the working of the Spirit of God. Do you want to be invo...
You May Kiss The Bride. God's Manual On M...
0円 God's manual for marriage. Because God doesn't want you to fight with your spouse. He loves you. So read and learn. After all, God's people are in bondage because they have no knowledge. Gain the knowledge, and free yourself from the bondage of marital struggles.
A Rebel's Treatise On Understanding God
0円 A theological treatise that endeavours to reconcile everyday questions about belief in God through a cheeky opinionated prose.
Die letzte göttlich offenbarte Religion: ...
0円 Dieses Buch wurde besonders für diejenigen zusammengestellt, die neue Bekanntschaft mit dem Islam gemacht haben. Es soll als Handbuch dienen, um sich aus authentischer Quelle in möglichst kurzer Zeit mit diesem Glauben vertraut zu machen.
Учение Джуал Кхула: Основные оккультные з...
0円 Книга «Основные оккультные законы и понятия» - первая из представленной серии. Она являет собой базис, и позволяет вам заново переосмыслить многие научные понятия и философские категории - что есть "Дух", "Материя", "Душа", "масса", "энергия", «пространство» и "время". Инь и Ян, и их истинный смы...
Dhyana Vahini
319円 Bhagawan says that treading the spiritual path is like walking on a razor's edge. One has to be ever vigilant, train the mind to dwell on the Lord constantly. To quote Bhagawan, "Control the senses, which run helter-skelter; then, the origins of the disease will be destroyed. Let the mind keep a ...
Modern Rishi
1,056円 This is a story of why a banker left her job to seek something but she did not know what. She met a swami and lived in an ashram for three months. The Indian Swami is Paramahamsa Nithyananda. It is not Eat,Love,Pray. It is more like how a novice spiritual seeker learn some lessons from an unusual...
Karta: Life-Inspiring Essays On Cognition...
0円 The question about wellness and goodness of life and living is ubiquitous. The question has been there in different forms since millions of years. They still are. However, new issues of wellness and goodness have been added, as we all are heading for a world, which is fast becoming complex, resul...
Կյանքի յոթ կարևորությունները
0円 Ձեզ հրավիրում ենք միանալու և մասնակցելու մի մարդու որոնումներին՝ գտնելու կյանքի կարևորությունները և դրանց նշանակությունը: Կհամաձայնվե՞ք արդյոք նրա հետ, թե՞ ոչ: