Fiction Non-Fiction
667円 《山海经》是中国先秦古籍。一般认为主要记述的是古代神话、地理、动物、植物、矿物、巫术、宗教、历史、医药、民俗、民族等方面的内容。《山海經》原來是有圖的,叫《山海圖經》,魏晉以後已失傳。《山海經》記載了許多詭異的怪獸以及光怪陸離的神話故事,長期被認為是一部荒誕不經的書[1]。有些学者则认为《山海经》不...
0円 Maybe you’re lucky the quiet girl’s keeping quietThe ‘quiet girl’.The ‘serious girl’.The ‘Oh just ignore her’ girl.There’s always one girl in class like that, isn’t there?Maybe it’s you.Maybe it’s someone else.Maybe you’re glad it’s not you.But maybe, just maybe, the quiet girl’s quiet for a reas...
L’abîme appelle l’abîme
250円 Les voiles tombent, et les vrais visages sont enfin révélés. La menace n’était pas une illusion. En finale des Francouvertes, Résistance, qui porte mieux que jamais son nom, joue son destin. À la croisée des chemins, des liens se resserrent, d’autres se brisent. À jamais.
Adventures in Cottontail Pines: The Lemon...
0円 “Adventures in Cottontail Pines” is a new series of children’s short stories by the up-and-coming author T.K. Wade. In this chapter, Flopsy the bunny is determined to open her own lemonade stand. Unfortunately, Wily the fox-a known trouble-maker in town-does not want Flopsy to succeed. Wily trick...
A Cold Day in December
0円 Johnny and his parents were moving to another house. It should have been a short journey but the thick snow caused delays. Johnny didn’t want to move and leave his friends behind. He was happy in the council flat he’d lived in all of his young life. Could today and the move change his mind?
An African Fable: Monkey Trouble! (Book #...
0円 Somebody has been telling stories about the Animals and Lion is roaring mad! The Storyteller must now draw pictures of all the Animals, but Monkey makes a lot of trouble. Will the pictures be done before the big rains start? Will the Storyteller make it back across the river in time? (With illust...
Millie The Hedgehog's Adventure Series: M...
262円 This is the first book of the Adventure Series and introduces the reader to the lovable young African Pygmy Hedgehog, Millie. In this book Millie learns a valuable lesson when he is laughed at by the other hedgehogs. Whilst the topic has a moral background, the main aim of the book is to make you...
Bobbie Bumblebee and The Big Bush
452円 Bobbie Bumblebee lives with his very large family in the hive located high up in the oak tree. Today is his first time to show off his flower dance and bring home nectar from the flowers. However, Bobbie is afraid of the enormous butterflies that swarm over the purple butterfly bush near the dayl...
123 to the Farm
567円 Counting has never been as fun and easy as it is with this book. Within these bright and colorful pages are farmers and animals to count. 1, 2, 3 To The Farm will keep children counting over and over again.
Ben Bat's Halloween Surprise
452円 Ben Bat loved Halloween more than any other time of the year. It was the one time of year his mom let him fly all night long. It was also the night he could meet with friends he didn't see the rest of the year, Wanda Witch, Matt Mummy and Gary Ghost. Find out how the night turn out to be a surpri...
Siehe Da! Kein Karies! Ein Besuch beim Za...
452円 SpongeBob Schwammkopf freut sich auf seine halbjährliche Kontrolle beim Zahnarzt! An diesem Morgen erfährt er auch, dass Patrick noch nie bei einem Zahnarzt war, geschweige denn seine Zähne je putzte! SpongeBob vereinbart beim Zahnarzt noch für denselben Tag einen Termin für Patrick. SpongeBob re...
Lyra & Nina Ten Days in Paris
0円 When sisters Lyra and Nina Taner depart on their first overseas trip to Paris they can hardly control their excitement. However as they visit all the famous sights of Paris, they are being followed. Who is this man and what does he want from them? Follow Lyra and Nina as they see the Eiffel Tower...