Democracy and Complexity
2,958円 This book is a highly original and provocative contribution to democratic theory. Zolo argues that the increasing complexity of modern societies represents a fundamental challenge to the basic assumptions of the Western democratic tradition and calls for a reformulation of some of the key questio...
Sport and Democracy in the Ancient and Mo...
12,819円 This book explores the relationship between sport and democratization. Drawing on sociological and historical methodologies, it provides a framework for understanding how sport affects the level of egalitarianism in the society in which it is played. The author distinguishes between horizontal sp...
Ritratti di italiani in tempi di elezioni
0円 Il 29 luglio 2012 i maggiori quotidiani italiani pubblicano il Manifesto di Fermare il declino a firma dei sette promotori Oscar Giannino, Luigi Zingales, Michele Boldrin, Carlo Stagnaro, Andrea Moro, Alessandro De Nicola e Sandro Brusco. Dopo aver immediatamente aderito via Internet assieme a mo...
The Illuminati Paradigm Shift
529円 What is the nature of the New World Order proposed by the Pythagorean Illuminati, the world's most ancient and controversial secret society? The Illuminati advocate the replacement of democracy by meritocracy, the abolition of all monarchies, dynastic families and privileged elites. How can the c...
The Federalist Papers (Illustrated + Audi...
132円 FEATURES:      •     Includes beautiful artworks and illustrations      •     A link of a FREE audio book to download at the end of the book      •     Active Table of Contents for an easy navigation within the book &nbsp...
The Color Revolutions
8,120円 From late 2003 through mid-2005, a series of peaceful street protests toppled corrupt and undemocratic regimes in Georgia, Ukraine, and Kyrgyzstan and ushered in the election of new presidents in all three nations. These movementsーcollectively known as the Color Revolutionsーwere greeted in the ...
Democracy in Turkey
6,675円 This book examines the impact of European political conditionality on the process of democratization in Turkey over a twenty year period. Employing theoretical and conceptual approaches to the issue of EU conditionality, the author compares the case of Turkey to that of other European nations. Ar...
Direct Democracy Worldwide
4,486円 Challenging the common assumption that models of direct democracy and representative democracy are necessarily at odds, Direct Democracy Worldwide demonstrates how practices of direct and representative democracy interact under different institutional settings and uncovers the conditions that all...
A Brief View of the Constitution of the U...
132円 Peter Stephen Du Ponceau or DuPonceau, born Pierre-Étienne Du Ponceau, (June 3, 1760 - April 1, 1844) was a French philosopher and jurist who spent most of his life in the United States and was an avid student of the U.S. Constitution and the government. He also became well known in the field of ...
Real Enemies : Conspiracy Theories And Am...
2,151円 Many Americans believe that their own government is guilty of shocking crimes. Government agents shot the president. They faked the moon landing. They stood by and allowed the murders of 2,400 servicemen in Hawaii--or 3,000 civilians in New York. In their zeal to cover up their crimes, they kille...
The Transition to Democracy in Hungary
7,338円 Unlike in other countries of Eastern Europe where the opposition to communism came in the form of single mass movements led by charismatic leaders such as Václav Havel and Lech Wałęsa, in Hungary the opposition was very fragmented, brought together and made effective only by the authoritative, si...
The Democratic Theory of Michael Oakeshott
3,471円 his book offers a description, explanation, and evaluation of Michael Oakeshott’s democratic theory. He was not a democratic theorist as such, but as a twentieth-century English political theorist for whom liberal theory held deep importance, his thought often engaged democratic theory implicitly...