Vectors, Pure and Applied
6,730円 Many books in linear algebra focus purely on getting students through exams, but this text explains both the how and the why of linear algebra and enables students to begin thinking like mathematicians. The author demonstrates how different topics (geometry, abstract algebra, numerical analysis, ...
Combinatorics of Minuscule Representations
15,169円 Minuscule representations occur in a variety of contexts in mathematics and physics. They are typically much easier to understand than representations in general, which means they give rise to relatively easy constructions of algebraic objects such as Lie algebras and Weyl groups. This book descr...
The Mathematical Structure of Classical a...
10,331円 The theories describing seemingly unrelated areas of physics have surprising analogies that have aroused the curiosity of scientists and motivated efforts to identify reasons for their existence. Comparative study of physical theories has revealed the presence of a common topological and geometri...
Knots and Primes
7,900円 This is a foundation for arithmetic topology - a new branch of mathematics which is focused upon the analogy between knot theory and number theory. Starting with an informative introduction to its origins, namely Gauss, this text provides a background on knots, three manifolds and number fields. ...
General Topology
2,537円 Among the best available reference introductions to general topology, this volume is appropriate for advanced undergraduate and beginning graduate students. Its treatment encompasses two broad areas of topology: "continuous topology," represented by sections on convergence, compactness, metrizati...
The Schrödinger-Virasoro Algebra
6,076円 This monograph provides the first up-to-date and self-contained presentation of a recently discovered mathematical structureーthe Schrödinger-Virasoro algebra. Just as Poincaré invariance or conformal (Virasoro) invariance play a key rôle in understanding, respectively, elementary particles and t...
Intuitive Concepts in Elementary Topology
1,729円 Classroom-tested and much-cited, this concise text offers a valuable and instructive introduction for undergraduates to the basic concepts of topology. It takes an intuitive rather than an axiomatic viewpoint, and can serve as a supplement as well as a primary text. A few selected topics allow st...
A Course in Point Set Topology
7,292円 This textbook in point set topology is aimed at an upper-undergraduate audience. Its gentle pace will be useful to students who are still learning to write proofs. Prerequisites include calculus and at least one semester of analysis, where the student has been properly exposed to the ideas of bas...
Poincare's Prize
623円 The amazing story of one of the greatest math problems of all time and the reclusive genius who solved it In the tradition of Fermat’s Enigma and Prime Obsession, George Szpiro brings to life the giants of mathematics who struggled to prove a theorem for a century and the mysterious man from St. ...
Elementary Concepts of Topology
1,062円 Alexandroff's beautiful and elegant introduction to topology was originally published in 1932 as an extension of certain aspects of Hilbert's Anschauliche Geometrie. The text has long been recognized as one of the finest presentations of the fundamental concepts, vital for mathematicians who have...
Harmonic Analysis on Symmetric SpacesーEu...
7,292円 This unique text is an introduction to harmonic analysis on the simplest symmetric spaces, namely Euclidean space, the sphere, and the Poincaré upper half plane. This book is intended for beginning graduate students in mathematics or researchers in physics or engineering. Written with an informal...
Geometric Algebra for Physicists
13,781円 Geometric algebra is a powerful mathematical language with applications across a range of subjects in physics and engineering. This book is a complete guide to the current state of the subject with early chapters providing a self-contained introduction to geometric algebra. Topics covered include...