Mathematical Models in Contact Mechanics
9,186円 This text provides a complete introduction to the theory of variational inequalities with emphasis on contact mechanics. It covers existence, uniqueness and convergence results for variational inequalities, including the modelling and variational analysis of specific frictional contact problems w...
Dynamics of Multibody Systems
14,527円 This enhanced fourth edition of Dynamics of Multibody Systems includes an additional chapter that provides explanations of some of the fundamental issues addressed in the book, as well as new detailed derivations of some important problems. Many common mechanisms such as automobiles, space struct...
Waves and Mean Flows
4,593円 Interactions between waves and mean flows play a crucial role in understanding the long-term aspects of atmospheric and oceanographic modelling. Indeed, our ability to predict climate change hinges on our ability to model waves accurately. This book gives a modern account of the nonlinear interac...
Heat Transfer Physics
15,917円 This graduate textbook describes atomic-level kinetics (mechanisms and rates) of thermal energy storage, transport (conduction, convection, and radiation), and transformation (various energy conversions) by principal energy carriers. The approach combines the fundamentals of molecular orbitals-po...
Projectile Dynamics in Sport
7,877円 How can we predict the trajectory of a baseball from bat to outfield? How do the dimples in a golf ball influence its flight from tee to pin? What forces determine the path of a soccer ball steered over a defensive wall by an elite player? An understanding of the physical processes involved in ...
Statics For Dummies
2,162円 The fast and easy way to ace your statics course Does the study of statics stress you out? Does just the thought of mechanics make you rigid? Thanks to this book, you can find balance in the study of this often-intimidating subject and ace even the most challenging university-level courses. Stati...
Philosophy and the Foundations of Dynamics
3,311円 Although now replaced by more modern theories, classical mechanics remains a core foundational element of physical theory. From its inception, the theory of dynamics has been riddled with conceptual issues and differing philosophical interpretations and throughout its long historical development,...
Flow through Heterogeneous Geologic Media
11,217円 This textbook integrates classic principles of flow through porous media with recently developed stochastic analyses to provide new insight on subsurface hydrology. Importantly, each of the authors has extensive experience in both academia and the world of applied groundwater hydrology. The book ...
High-Speed Marine Craft
16,665円 This book details the efforts to build a large naval vessel capable of traveling at one hundred knots. It is the first book to summarize this extensive work from historical and technical perspectives. It explores the unique principles and challenges in the design of high-speed marine craft. This ...
Dynamics and Analytic Number Theory
8,653円 Written by leading experts, this book explores several directions of current research at the interface between dynamics and analytic number theory. Topics include Diophantine approximation, exponential sums, Ramsey theory, ergodic theory and homogeneous dynamics. The origins of this material lie ...
Protons Neutrons Electrons: Physics Kids ...
452円 Name a child who loves physics. Maybe you can only think of a few. Wouldn't it feel great to have your son/daughter be that child? You can train your child to love physics by introducing a fun and highly educational book like this one. After all, falling in love with learning starts with the righ...
Forces and Movement (Push, Pull, Fast, Sl...
452円 Let’s get moving, and learn the science behind it, too! This book is an adrenaline-pumping and mentally-stimulating educational resource that your child would love to own. It explains in detail the dynamics of actions but without confusing your child with big words. It’s basically physics taken d...