Knee Pain Answers
447円 Knee pain is common and can be very limiting, cutting into your ability to enjoy your life without limitations and play with your family and loved ones. The pain can come from arthritis or some type of an injury like a meniscus tear or ligament injury. You’ve tried rehab / physical therapy but th...
The Complete Guide to Healing Fibromyalgia
1,089円 · The most comprehensive, up-to-date information availableーincluding the latest preliminary diagnosis guidelines from the American College of Rheumatology · A-to-Z lists of prescription medications, herbal remedies, and natural supplements · Proven strategies for relieving symptomsーmuscle pain,...
Trigger Point Therapy Workbook for Should...
951円 75% of pain is caused by trigger points (areas of contracted cells in muscle tissue), but they are drastically under-diagnosed as the source of pain. Trigger points may refer pain and other symptoms both in the local area and/or to other areas of the body, but since over 74% of trigger points are...
Back Pain Remedies For Dummies
1,691円 Get back in control of your back pain Back pain is such a common condition that many doctors andresearchers consider the complaint a normal part of life, similarto having an occasional cold or flu. If you are a back painsufferer, you are not alone: * Back pain affects more than 80 percent of the ...
Multiple Sclerosis: The Essential Guide
637円 Multiple sclerosis (MS) is the most common disease of the central nervous system affecting young adults, usually diagnosed in people aged between 20 to 40. A recent MS Society survey indicated that there are at least 100,000 people living with MS in the UK. Only 20 years ago, a diagnosis of MS...
My Immune System and M.S.: Five Years Later
2,024円 Driven by the desire to avoid m.s. drugs which cause severe side effects Joe has presented in book format.which spell out his successful efforts to stave off m.s. disabling nature over a five plus year period. This included no use of m.s. prescribed medicine nor m.s. flare ups.What is even more a...
335円 Lots of people experience those sudden attacks where joints in their feet, knees, and hands become swollen and painful. Are your joints trying to tell you something? Could this be Gout, a sneaky type of arthritis? This handbook could be your guide in figuring out whether you've got Gout and what ...
Exercises for the Shoulder to Hand - Rele...
2,132円 Release Your Kinetic Chain with Exercises for the Shoulder to Hand - EBOOK All the tissues, muscles, and bones of your body are connected to each other within a complex web of fascia…and together, make up your kinetic chain. ‘Release Your Kinetic Chain with Exercises for the Shoulder to Hand’ pro...
Feet First
666円 In order to correct or effectively treat your lower back pain, the most important first step is to balance your foundationーyour feet. This book, Feet First, will explain why your foot structure is so important when trying to obtain lasting lower back pain help. You will discover how to recognize...
Curing Arthritis without Drugs
1,334円 Joint pains affect a person’s temperament, activity and body movements to perform his normal daily business. This disability is detrimental to national economy because of patient’s inability to perform his functions properly and the necessity of his frequent absence from work. The patient feels p...
A Simple Guide to The Posture, Spine Dise...
335円 The Posture and Disease Diagnosis The backbone, or spine, is made up of 26 bone discs called vertebrae. It consists of: 7 cervical or neck vertebrae 12 thoracic or chest vertebrae 5 lumbar or lower back vertebrae 1 sacrum (triangular-shaped bone at the bottom of the spine). 1 coccyx or tip of th...
Release Your Pain: 2nd Edition - EBOOK: R...
2,132円 Imagine finding a way to spend less time suffering from pain, and more time doing the things you love. Take control of your pain! This long awaited, completely reworked, second edition provides new content for each condition, with over 80 additional pages of information, the addition of new and e...