1回30秒! 自分で治せる腰痛ストレッチ 腰...
0円 改善率90.8%の「完治プログラム」とは? 医師も学ぶ古武術式メソッドを伝授。 読者特典ビデオセミナー付き! 【本文より】 あなたに質問します。 もしも腰痛から完全卒業できたら? 腰痛で失っていた物を取り戻せるとしたら? あきらめかけていた好きな事がまた楽しめるとしたら? 人生の残り時間を充実感に満ち溢れた...
Why We Get Sick
1,872円 The next time you get sick, consider this before picking up the aspirin: your body may be doing exactly what it's supposed to. In this ground-breaking book, two pioneers of the science of Darwinian medicine argue that illness as well as the factors that predispose us toward it are subject to the ...
4,593円 Thirty years after the identification of the disease that became known as AIDS, humanitarian organizations warn that the fight against HIV/AIDS has slowed, amid a funding shortfall and donor fatigue. In this book, Bjørn Lomborg brings together research by world-class specialist authors, a forewor...
Our Daily Meds
1,089円 In the last thirty years, the big pharmaceutical companies have transformed themselves into marketing machines selling dangerous medicines as if they were Coca-Cola or Cadillacs. They pitch drugs with video games and soft cuddly toys for children; promote them in churches and subways, at NASCAR r...
A Simple Guide to Deafness and Related Ea...
335円 What is Deafness? Deafness is the inability to hear. What are the causes of Deafness? The causes of Deafness are: A. Conductive hearing loss Here sound waves cannot be transmitted from the external environment to the cochlea. The problem may lie in the external ear canal a. obstruction caused b...
Priceless: Curing the Healthcare Crisis
1,702円 In the groundbreaking book Priceless, renowned healthcare economist John Goodman reveals how patients, healthcare providers, employers, and employees are all trapped in a dysfunctional, bureaucratic, healthcare system fraught with perverse incentives that raise costs, reduce quality, and make car...
The Evolution of Aging: How New Theories ...
0円 Why do we age? Many believe that aging is the result of fundamental and unalterable limitations. We can try to treat highly age-related diseases like cancer and heart disease but nothing can be done about aging itself. Anti-aging medicine is impossible. Others believe that we age because our bodi...
You Can't Afford to Get Sick
1,623円 With a two-week plan for optimum wellness, “America’s best-known doctor” (The New York Times) shows you what you need to know to be in the best health and have the best care. The crisis in American health has hit home in very personal ways. Every thirty seconds someone in this country files for b...
Complete Medical Guide and Prevention for...
266円 An aneurysm or aneurism (from Greek: ἀνεύρυσμα - aneurusma "dilation", from ἀνευρύνειν - aneurunein "to dilate") is a localized, blood-filled balloon-like bulge in the wall of a blood vessel. Aneurysms can commonly occur in arteries at the base of the brain (the circle of Will...
Critical Condition
1,872円 Award-winning journalists expose the horrific practices within America’s health care system, profiling patients and doctors and offering startling personal stories to illuminate what’s gone wrong. “Every American ought to read this book.”ーThe Plain Dealer Tens of millions of people with inadequa...
The Secret Lives of Hoarders
1,373円 On the front lines with extreme hoarders The Secret Lives of Hoarders is much more than harrowing tales of attacking the ugliest, dirtiest, and most shocking hoarding cases in the country. It is a behind-the-scenes look at this hidden epidemic- what it means, how to recognize it before it gets ou...
A Complete Medical Guide and Prevention F...
266円 Marfan syndrome (also called Marfan's syndrome) is a genetic disorder of the connective tissue. People with Marfan tend to be unusually tall, with long limbs and long, thin fingers. The syndrome is inherited as a dominant trait, carried by the gene FBN1, which encodes the connective protein fibri...