Diabetes and Hypertension
23,093円 Diabetes and hypertension have evolved as two of the modern day epidemics affecting millions of people around the world. These two common co-morbidities lead to substantial increase in cardiovascular disease, the major cause of morbidity and mortality of adults around the world. In Diabetes and H...
Molecular Pathology of Pituitary Adenomas
14,830円 The pituitary gland is an important one since it controls several of the other hormone glands, such as the thyroid and adrenals. A pituitary adenoma is an abnormal growth or tumor in this gland, and they are the subject of very active clinical and pathological research. This book examines the lat...
Diseases of the Parathyroid Glands
13,369円 For practitioners at all stages of experience, diseases of the parathyroid glands are not easily deciphered. There are many subtleties to its pathology and diagnosis. Today, the wealth of new information from molecular medicine makes it very challenging for the individual practitioner to have a c...
Endocrine Neoplasia
13,369円 Endocrine Neoplasia is a comprehensive, updated, and clearly-written text covering the diseases for which endocrine surgical expertise is often needed. We look towards advances in the science and the art of endocrine surgery to continuously improve outcomes for our patients. The goal of this text...
Sweet Poison
1,148円 BREAK YOUR ADDICTION TO SUGAR IN 2020 ___________ David Gillespie was 6 stone overweight, lethargic and desperate to lose weight fast, but he'd failed every diet out there. Until he cut out sugar. Then he immediately started to lose weight - and kept it off. Now slim and with new reserves of ener...
Paediatric and Adolescent Gynaecology
44,119円 This book provides a multidisciplinary overview of developmental anomalies, disorders and intersex conditions. These are complex conditions that demand high standards of care and treatment by all healthcare professionals involved with the management of these psychological, medical and surgical pr...
GL (Collins Gem)
465円 GI Diets are hugely popular, but don't give the full picture. GI sorts out the good carbs from the bad. To find out how many carbs there are in a portion, you need to know its Glycaemic Load (GL). Gem GL gives this information for hundreds of foods using a simple traffic-light system. Clear expla...
Hypoglycaemia in Clinical Diabetes
13,522円 Hypoglycaemia in Clinical Diabetes Hypoglycaemia in Clinical Diabetes Third Edition If you regularly see patients with diabetes who experience hypoglycaemia and need expert guidance, then this is the book for you. Hypoglycaemia in Clinical Diabetes, Third Edition once again provides health profes...
Clinical Dilemmas in Diabetes
8,641円 Clinical Dilemmas in Diabetes provides evidence-based clinical guidance on the most common and problematic areas of concern encountered in diagnosing, treating and managing patients with diabetes. Each chapter is highly topical and has been selected due to current interest, specific recent develo...
Handbook of Diabetes
15,529円 Over three editions the Handbook of Diabetes has built a reputation as an essential practical manual on the assessment and management of patients with diabetes. Previously written by Gareth Williams and John Pickup, the book has been completely revised by Rudy Bilous and Richard Donnelly to refle...
The Sweet Poison Quit Plan
1,148円 Cure your sweet tooth with The Sweet Poison Quit Plan _________ Sugar is addictive and bad for us. We eat 2 pounds of added sugar a week - to counter-balance this keep the weight off you need to run 4.5 miles a day. When David Gillespie cut sugar from his diet he lost 6 stone - and it kept it off...
Diabetes and the Brain
24,309円 Diabetes, particularly type 2, has become increasingly more common around the world. Consequently, the effect of diabetes on the brain has achieved enormous public health importance. A surge in pre-clinical and clinical research on topics ranging from management of hyperglycemia in acute stroke t...