Opium Fiend
748円 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER A renowned authority on the secret world of opium recounts his descent into ruinous obsession with one of the world’s oldest and most seductive drugs, in this harrowing memoir of addiction and recovery. A natural-born collector with a nose for exotic adventure, San Diego...
How To Quit Without Feeling S**T
2,349円 This groundbreaking book from the UK's leading spokesman on nutrition looks at why millions of people have cravings for substances such as coffee, sugar and alcohol, as well to drugs such as sleeping pills, antidepressants, marijuana and cocaine. It uncovers how the brain becomes addicted and how...
Confessions of an English Opium-Eater
360円 English author Thomas de Quincey’s autobiographical account of his addiction to laudanum (opium and alcohol) was his first major success. It paints a fascinating picture of the lives of the opium-eaters in 19th century London.
Bill W.
1,089円 When Bill Wilson, with his friend Dr. Bob Smith, founded Alcoholics Anonymous in 1935, his hope was that AA would become a safe haven for those who suffered from this disease. Thirty years after his death, AA continues to help millions of alcoholics recover from what had been commonly regarded as...
There Is No Hero In Heroin
854円 Jan Nargi, a single mother of two, is a registered nurse who worked in enough emergency rooms to know the signs of addiction, but failed to recognize them in her own family. Her son, Tommy, is a heroin addict. He started abusing Oxycontin when he was sixteen and graduated to mainlining heroin by ...
Drugs: A Parent's Guide
637円 Judy Mackie’s down-to-earth guide addresses the questions about drugs that concern parents most. Her ‘get real’ approach goes straight to the heart of the matter, giving parents the factual information they need to communicate with their children openly and honestly: Why young people are attract...
This Is Your Country on Drugs
1,708円 Everything we know about drugs-from acid to epidemics to DARE and salvia-turns out to be wrong Stock up on munchies and line up your water bottles: journalist Ryan Grim will take you on a cross-country tour of illicit drug use in the U.S.-from the agony (the huge DEA bust of an acid lab in an aba...
111 Tipps: Nichtraucher werden ... und bl...
132円 Wer endlich vom Rauchen loskommen will, hat meist einen langen Leidensweg hinter sich. Der Weg ist meist von unzähligen Anläufen und Versuchen gesäumt. Doch oft sind es die kleinen Dinge, die darüber entscheiden, ob der nächste Anlauf endlich zum Erfolg führt. Dabei...
Help For Drug Addicts
532円 Life can sometimes get very difficult and hard to take. Different people cope in different ways with the stress that life brings. Regrettably, drugs have become the most prominent coping mechanism that people use to deal with life’s problems. Drugs can be medical wonders if taken properly. They ...
Contingency Management for Substance Abus...
9,131円 Isn’t it unethical to pay people to do what they should be doing anyway? Won’t patients just sell the reinforcers and buy drugs? Others didn’t get prizes for not using. Why should they? The concerns surrounding Contingency Management (CM) are many and reflect how poorly understood and rarely util...
Inside Rehab
1,747円 An eye-opening tour of the addiction treatment industry explores the gap between what should happen and what does What happens inside drug and alcohol rehabilitation centers and how rehab works are a mystery to those outside the industry – and sometimes even to those inside it. Anne M. Fletcher i...
The Opium Habit
360円 One of the earliest books to tackle the problems of opium addiction, which had become widespread in the wake of the American Civil War, and to suggest some solutions.