No Such Thing as Silence
2,030円 First performed at the midpoint of the twentieth century, John Cage’s 4'33", a composition conceived of without a single musical note,is among the most celebrated and ballyhooed cultural gestures in the history of modern music. A meditation on the act of listening and the nature of performance, C...
The Boundaries of Modern Art
884円 Conceptual art in the Western world is in crisis. That is the view of many people who are disillusioned with what they regard as its attention-seeking antics, where artists themselves have proudly proclaimed 'the death of art'. Why has art been on this road to destruction, and how did it get ther...
Angel's Eye
532円 Angel's Eye is a chronicle of astral travels and out-of-body experiences. It is about the awakening of consciousness and the evolution of mind. Angelic and demonic visitations culminate into personal redemption. Angel's Eye profiles a prolific initiation into higher truth. Strewn with pearls of p...
Money, Trains, and Guillotines
3,520円 During the 1960s a group of young artists in Japan challenged official forms of politics and daily life through interventionist art practices. William Marotti situates this phenomenon in the historical and political contexts of Japan after the Second World War and the international activism of th...
What We Made
3,307円 In What We Made, Tom Finkelpearl examines the activist, participatory, coauthored aesthetic experiences being created in contemporary art. He suggests social cooperation as a meaningful way to think about this work and provides a framework for understanding its emergence and acceptance. In a seri...
Artificial Hells
1,406円 Since the 1990s, critics and curators have broadly accepted the notion that participatory art is the ultimate political art: that by encouraging an audience to take part an artist can promote new emancipatory social relations. Around the world, the champions of this form of expression are numerou...
Take This Journey With Me
1,067円 A collection of poems that endeavors to take you through the journey of life; as it was in the past, as it is in the present, and as it believes it will be, in the future.
Leaving Art
3,413円 Since the 1970s, the performance and conceptual artist Suzanne Lacy has explored women’s lives and experiences, as well as race, ethnicity, aging, economic disparities, and violence, through her pioneering community-based art. Combining aesthetics and politics, and often collaborating with other ...
Clairvoyance (For Those In The Desert)
3,307円 The performance artist Joanna Frueh has emerged over the past twenty-five years as a wildly original voice in feminist art. Her uninhibited performances are celebrations of beauty, sensuality, eroticism, and pleasure. Clairvoyance (For Those In The Desert), which features eighteen of her essentia...
3,092円 Contemporary artists such as Ghada Amer and Clare Twomey have gained international reputations for work that transforms ordinary craft media and processes into extraordinary conceptual art, from Amer’s monumental stitched paintings to Twomey’s large, ceramics-based installations. Despite the amou...
Contemporary Drawing
623円 Drawing is experiencing an unparalleled surge in the art world. Passé notions that once defined drawing as being a preparatory stage for painting or sculpture have long since been cast aside. Drawing is now fully recognized as its own art formーin the biennials, art fairs, museum exhibitions, and...
Reflections: Magic Art
1,334円 En Reflejos: Arte Mágico (Vol.I), Aguilar nos deleita con un álbum variado en formas, colores y texturas. Nos introduce a sus abstractas imágenes con agudas observaciones sobre el enigmático mundo de los reflejos. In Reflections: Magic Art, Aguilar delights us with a great variety of forms, c...